OSH Award Introduction
OSH Award
MSOSH Occupational Safety and Health Awards (MSOSH Award) is an annual award presented to organizations in Malaysia with proven outstanding Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) performance. The audited companies are subjected to stringent document and site verification audits by MSOSH panel of qualified and dedicated auditors in order to be considered by the MSOSH Technical Committee based on their capabilities and competencies for the respective awards.
The MSOSH Award program was inaugurated in 1982 and it continues to be actively supported by multifaceted member organizations since its inception. The award was introduced to recognize the participated organizations who are proactively and continually improve their Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) performance not just based on their normal lagging indicators but also their consistency, persistence and resilience in their OSH practices at the workplace.
The MSOSH Award is intended to give due recognition to all member organizations and companies which have achieved commendable OSH performance and/or have shown remarkable improvement in their OSH processes through sound Safety and Health Management system.
Generally, MSOSH Award is divided into 7 categories where the highest category is Platinum, followed by Grand, Gold Merit, Gold Class 1, Gold Class 2, Silver and Bronze.
MSOSH OSH Award auditors comprise representatives from:
To provide an independent and professional evaluation and platform for benchmarking for an organization towards OSH commitment, management and performance.
To establish an environment to share on the latest OSH knowledge and best practices among the MSOSH OSH professionals and the industries to improve their OSH management and performance.
To recognize the OSH achievement of participating organizations as exemplary model for others to emulate especially in cultivating OSH cultures at the workplace.
To show MSOSH commitment in supporting government to ensure the effectiveness of OSH management implementation that will improve the company’s productivity and a safer and healthier workforce.
Benefits Participating MSOSH Awards
An annual award presented to organizations in Malaysia with proven outstanding Occupational Safety and Health performance identified companies are subjected to stringent document and site verification audits by MSOSH panel of qualified and dedicated auditors in order to be considered by the MSOSH Technical Committee for the respective awards.
- A moment for successful company to receive the award at the presentation ceremony (if the (current situation allowed) which will be held at a leading hotel, presented by the Guest of Honors in the auspicious day or Virtual MSOSH Award Ceremony (MOVAC).
- The MSOSH Award Ceremony will be covered by mass media and the winners will be published in the local newspaper and MSOSH Website.
- To provide an opportunity for the organizations to gauge their OSH performance and benchmarking with other organization nationwide.
- For a large organization, this MSOSH Award audit can be used to identify your contractors, subcontractors or vendors in term of their OSH performance, independent evaluation of their OSH management. In other words, MSOSH is helping your organization to assess and measure your contractor OSH performance from 3rd independent party’s perspective.
- The winning company eligible to use the MSOSH Award logo for publicity purposes within the winning year until the announcement of the next award winners or until the printed letterhead is used up.
- To give due recognition to all participating organizations / companies which have achieved commendable OSH performance.
- To give recognition to all organizations / companies which have shown improvement in OSH processes through sound safety and health management system.
- The MSOSH Award provides an opportunity for companies to share their success story on OSH performance which can inspire other organizations.