Corporate Membership

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Membership Makes the Difference

Corporate Membership

As a MSOSH member, you'll have access to a vast collection of knowledge and career resources, local and global communities, opportunities to grow and give back to the profession, plus discounts, rewards and perks.

1-100 Employees

RM 300 /Year

101 - 300 Employees

RM 400 /Year

301 - 600 Employees

RM 650 /Year

601 - 1000 Employees

RM 950 /Year

More than 1000 Employees

RM 1300 /Year

As a MSOSH corporate member, you'll have access to a vast collection of knowledge and career resources, local and global communities, opportunities to grow and give back to the profession, plus discounts, rewards and perks
Positive Association
MSOSH is a leading association for OSH Professionals and have 40 years history of successful growth and development
Patron of MSOSH is honorable Minister of Human Resource
Professional Development
Member is eligible to become a MSOSH Management Committee during Annual General Meeting
Opportunity to become a resource person with MSOSH (Facilitator/Auditor/ Trainer)
Enjoy special privileges and up to 50% discount on OSH public seminars, training, workshop conferences, talks, and social functions, organized wholly or jointly by MSOSH
Prefered rates for in house training courses conducted by MSOSH
Member Assist
Occasional forums and dialogue session with DOSH/PERKESO and relevant authorities
Over the phone/ E-mail consultation/ Advice from secretariat on OSH related matter
Assistance for liaison with authorities on OSH related matter
Corporate Publicity
The MSOSH Corporate Member logo can be use on your website, company literature, training and commercial tender bidding documents (With written approval)
MSOSH Membership certificate suitable for display in your offices and company reception areas
Networking & Events
Opportunities for networking with local and global OSH practitioners, suppliers, consultants and other related OSH associations
Sharing of good management practices
OSH Resources
E-Newsletter “MSOSH NEWS”. With four issues per year, keeping you up to date with the activities of MSOSH and latest issues and development of OSH in Malaysia and worldwide.
Career Watch
Free platform to post your available position in our website (term and condition applied)

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Take advantage of all our member benefits.