Strategic Partnership

Strategic Partnership


MSOSH Academy, the wholly owned training company of MSOSH would like to invite all NGOs, companies and individuals in all over Malaysia to become MSOSH Academy Strategic Partner

Become MSOSH Academy Strategic Partner in:

1) Training

2) Consultancy

  • Scaffold Inspection
  • Chemical Health Risk Assessment
  • Control of Industrial Major Accident Hazards
  • HT1-Local Exhaust Ventilation Inspection 
  • Noise Risk Assessor
  • Audiometric Testing
  • Ergonomic Risk Assessment
  • Chemical Exposure Monitoring
  • Fire Risk Assessment

Benefits Strategic Partner

Reputable organization of MSOSH

Access and promotion to all members of MSOSH.

Support by government departments and agencies


Any organizations that intent to become our strategic partner, please fill in the form below:


Once we receive the form, MSOSH Academy staff will contact the organization representative for the further discussion and arrangement for Memorandum of Understanding (MOU). All applications will be treated equally and professionally. However, the acceptance as a strategic partner will depend on the term and conditions applied.